European projects

The definition of a solid monitoring and evaluation system is a determinant factor for the approval of project proposals under European funds, as well as a requirement for an efficient management process.
Istituto Italiano di Valutazione, with a long run experience in European projects evaluation, is a qualified and reliable partner for an exhaustive support to the realization of transnational project, from the proposal design to the reporting phase.
Specifically, our activity within a EU project partnership is focused on:
– building the evaluation design (before or immediately after the project approval);
– applying monitoring devices such as the Results Oriented Monitoring (ROM), Project Cycle Management (PCM), Logical Framework (LF), Goal Oriented Project Planning (GOPP);
– identifying output and outcome indicators;
– realizing activities of on-going and final evaluation;
– evaluating products/outputs, using counterfactual methods if needed;
– organizing and conducting evaluation sessions with the engagement of the partnership main representatives;
– drafting monitoring and evaluation reports.

(Italiano) Scuola Centrale di Formazione

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(Italiano) Istituto OIKOS

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(Italiano) Comune di Milano

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(Italiano) Comune di Pavia

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(Italiano) Civiform

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(Italiano) Comune di Milano

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(Italiano) Fondazione ISMU

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(Italiano) Comune di Venezia

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Euro Project Lab

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(Italiano) Progetto Mondo MLAL

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